P.T. Barnum is fresh in everyone's minds at the moment due to the phenomenon that is The Greatest Showman. But here at The Brindley this week Codys Productions have brought us the original Barnum The Musical. And what a great show it was.
Focussing on Barnum's life from when he opened his American Museum right through to his venture into political life with a whole heap of circus skills thrown in, this musical was an absolute treat from start to finish.
Barnum himself was expertly played by Clayton Roberts who had learnt to juggle, perform tricks, stilt walk and walk the tightrope during the rehearsal process. (In fact all of the 60-strong cast had been trained in some form or another of circus skills and it was an impressive display with them all showing off their circus talents on stage). Clayton was charming and you couldn't help but root for Barnum as he tricked and "humbugged" his way through the show. Charity, his wife, was played wonderfully by Sophia Thomson, who has a truly amazing voice, and she and played the role of long suffering wife beautifully. The duet of The Colours of My Life was just gorgeous.
Other notable performers were Mollie Neal who played Joice Heth, (the Oldest Woman in The World) Erin Smith as Jenny Lind and Joe Campbell and Sophie Powell's version of Black and White was very impressive. The talent that these young performers have is astounding (Codys' age range is 11 to 18).
The principals were supported by an incredible cast, all of whom obviously love what they were doing. (This was evident in the impromptu finale!)
Choreographing 60-plus kids in the big group numbers Join The Circus and Come Follow The Band must have been a challenge but choreographer Natasha Bill did an incredible job.
The cast were accompanied by wonderful musicians under the direction of Simon Pickup.
Director Nick Cupit always puts on amazing shows and this was no exception. Visually stunning and confetti cannon-tastic!
Overall this really was "The Greatest Show". Audiences left with huge grins on their faces.
Looking forward to Codys' next show, Joseph, in March.